Monday, June 04, 2007

Holy Hiatus, Batman!

Dear Blogfriends,

As you may have noticed, I ain't posted shit lately. And I couldn't tell you what's going on on your blogs.

Here's the thing: I'm moving in two weeks. And moving is kind of a clusterfuck even when you're not moving 1000 miles away from everything (okay, maybe not EVERYthing) you hold dear. For starters there's the packing, which if packing doesn't sound like a very big deal to you, it's only because A) you haven't seen my bookshelves and B) it probably hasn't occurred to you that books should be packed alphabetically by subject. So the packing is a bit time consuming.

It's not really the packing though, and it's not even so much the physical act of moving that has kept me from the internets. It's that I am consumed by the IDEA of moving. For weeks all of my mental and emotional energy has been devoted to what it means to move, and I have busied myself with a series of bittersweet lasts: my last weekend at the beach, the last time I'll make crabcakes, my last Cogan's Thursday, the last visit with my brother/sister/parents/friends, my last chance to tousle my pseudo-nephews' hair, the last time I'll see the Atlantic Ocean or walk down this particular street. You name it, I'm crying about it. Even the last rent check elicited a few tears. I'm obsessive like that.

I've picked up the phone at least 25 times to call my best friend -- a military wife who's moved five times in the past nine years -- and wail, "How do you DO it?!" But each time I've put it down because I know how she does it: by not picking the phone up all the time and carrying on about how much she misses us all. That and she has a husband who's just about as perfect for her as my boyfriend is for me, and when you find a guy like that you really have no choice but to follow him to the ends of the earth. Or at least to Michigan.

So the bittersweet lasts are tempered by an array of exciting firsts, none of which, I assure you, will involve jerky and some of which I may even tell you about.


lulu said...

You are planning to come down to Chicago and help me pack my books right? Because I tend to throw things into boxes and then not be able to find them for five years. Your way sounds much better.

Chris Hinrichs said...

Better not be the last time you make crabcakes! I happen to like them a lot.

Phil said...

Crabcake is good.

Melissa said...

This is so exciting! I know it might be terribly hard at first (it was for me when I left Florida for NYC), but it's going to be worth it. Can you BELIEVE you're going to be able to see him and touch him just about anytime you want?!

I'm so happy for you guys!

vikkitikkitavi said...

Well, okay, but no combining blogs.

At least the Assman will have lots of company now, right?

Unknown said...

Here's a tip. Any object that you have not touched in the last six months can be given away or disposed of.

bubbles said...

"Last" is way, way to final. Only one thing in life guarantees 'last' - and you aren't dead yet!

Perhaps think if it as "last convenient XXX"!

Good luck with the tasks! They can be exhausting!!

RandyLuvsPaiste said...

Are you going to teach in Michigan?
Does Michigan even {have} schools?

Valerie said...

Moving is listed as the #2 stressful thing in life, I've done it ten times in 12 years...not always across the country.

But even though you are having a lot of "last time I..." think about all the "first time I....wth Chris" you're about to have. :)

Best of luck with the move. I'm so happy for you and Chris.

Moderator said...

Where are you moving to?

GETkristiLOVE said...

I love you for packing books alphabetically by subject.

I have to move in a couple months too and I'm dreading the packing. At least I'm not moving to Michigan.

Frank Sirmarco said...

I had my books in storage for almost two-and-a-half years.

I occupied myself by reading the undersides of Snapple bottle caps. You can learn a lot from Snapple bottle caps...

Example: Broccoli is the only vegetable that is a flower.

Who knew?

lulu said...

cauliflower isn't a flower?

Anonymous said...

it's BECAUSE we're moving that I'm spending more time on the 'net. I fucking HATE moving.

Jenny Jenny Flannery said...

My sympathies are with you, Megan. Moving sucks. I hope everything goes smoothly for you!

Dale said...

You couldn't harness the power of all those artistic kids to do all your dirty work? Good luck with all your last minute busy-ness. I want crabcakes!

don'tneedtoknow said...

It's all worth it, but you already know that.

Anonymous said...

Good luck! And maybe when you are all up and running in Michigan you will be able to visit my blog again. I know that THAT has to be the most stressful thing EVER. You know, not being able to visit my blog...

Anonymous said...

Are you moved yet? I'd love to see pics of your new place!

Jenny Jenny Flannery said...

I know you've got internet now...what's new?

minijonb said...

Welcome to Michigan... it's not as bad as it seems at first... really.