Thursday, December 01, 2005

Thanksgiving Weekend

My weekend began around noon on Wednesday, when I headed over to Cogan's (my new happy hour spot with a Fats-like vibe) for some beer and pizza, and somehow got sucked in to playing air hockey with Steve. Needless to say, he totally kicked my ass. There are several factors that account for this ass-kicking: 1) Steve is VERY serious about air hockey, 2) my hand-eye coordination isn't even that good when I'm 100% sober, and 3) I SO don't care about winning.

Late Wednesday night I headed down to the beach for Thanksgiving with the family. Thursday and Friday were fairly uneventful. The most excitement we had was watching the cat and dog try to figure each other out. Sadie so wanted Luna to play with her and she kept barking at her, which scared Luna who hissed and ran away, thus beginning the cycle anew. I spent most of the weekend reading the 5th Harry Potter book. (I think Harry Potter should be grounded for like a year, by the way. What is his problem and why can't he freakin stay out of trouble?! I imagine it gets worse in Harry Potter #6.)

I came back up to Norfolk on Saturday with Brian in tow, and Laura drove down from Dean's to meet us. We walked across the street to my beloved Colley Cantina for some dinner and quite a few beers and were joined later by my oh-so-casual boy Dave, who had the pleasure of meeting Laura and Brian while they were on their VERY best behavior. There were definitely some stories shared that I was saving for later. It couldn't have been that bad though because Dave and I then had dinner together on Sunday night.

So that was my weekend.