Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Mission Accomplished

When we woke up Monday morning, the little brown mouse was cowering in the corner of our store-bought no-kill mousetrap. After an unsuccessful attempt to convince Chris that we should keep him, I released him (the mouse, not Chris) into the wild. I'm sure he's now frolicking happily with all his mousey friends.

Either that or he's since been eaten by a snake, but that's not on me.


Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

I shudder to think of what might have happened if you had released Chris into the wild.

Megan said...

He'd never survive!

Joe said...

You are a better, much better person than we are. Good job!

vikkitikkitavi said...

In the wild, there is hardly any bacon.

Chris would never make it.

GETkristiLOVE said...

I've even seen him frolicking happily (Chris, not the mouse).

wonderturtle said...

Or he is on some sort of Homeward Bound-esque adventure back to your living room.

minijonb said...

I would have liked to seen a celebrity deathmatch between the mouse and Chris.

bubbles said...

He came here and drown in my pool. Seriously, I fished one out yesterday.

Sorry. :)

Melissa said...

I'm so happy he didn't have to die. I would have wanted to keep him, too.

Unclejbird said...

Looking at your headline....

So, is this really the end? Or are there MORE mice than you're telling us? If that's true, you could always say you THOUGHT there was only one and that you were only going by what you were told.

I could go on with this metaphor, but won't.....

Ashraf said...

that is great