My Guardian Angel Is Hotter Than Yours
About two years ago, I left my fiancé six weeks before our wedding and five days after we'd moved in together. This was one of the more difficult things I've done in my life, and it probably goes without saying that I agonized over the decision. However, I'm confident that it was the right decision, and it's not one I've regretted for so much as a split second since I made it. On occasion, though, I do think about how close I came to a marriage that would have made me miserable, and I breathe a little sigh of relief while thanking my lucky stars for my friend DH.It was DH who -- exactly eight weeks before my wedding, on the very day I'd mailed the invitations -- was the first to give voice to the doubts I'd been harboring for at least a month when he studied me carefully and finally said, "I don't think you should get married."
This turns out to have been a view shared by a surprising number of my friends, not because they didn't like my fiancé (because everybody likes him) but because they could tell I wasn't happy. There's a lot of gray area between support and enabling, and I'm grateful that my friends chose collectively to lean toward the supportive side despite their concerns. I am equally grateful for the insight of DH, who admittedly had little to lose and probably enjoyed playing my knight in shining armor simply for the ego boost, but who forced me to examine my relationship and evaluate my future.
Although my friends give me more credit, I maintain there's a 99% chance I'd be married to the wrong guy right now if not for DH. Molly tends to agree with me: she once described DH in all seriousness as "a gift from God." And while she still carries his business card around in her wallet because she thinks DH is hot (and his picture is on his card), she was not referring to his appearance.
I'm not much on God, but I have been known to refer half-jokingly to DH as my guardian angel. And really, if you compare DH to Clarence, George Bailey's guardian angel in It's a Wonderful Life, you have to admit DH is a little easier on the eyes.
Just trying to preserve his anonymity. . .
Thank god for guardian angels who double as friends. Or maybe it's the opposite? At any rate, I wouldn't know where I'd be without them.
Lord have mercy - not that DH character again. He better step off, yo. He doesn't get to qualify as a guardian angel, although I do believe in signs, as well (as sketchy as they may appear) -- and he was definitely a harbinger of a message . . .
Yes, I guess to be fair I should have mentioned that while my friend Molly thinks DH is a gift from god, my friend Noonan once told DH, "I don't trust you, DH. I don't trust you and I don't like you." And she wasn't even drunk.
That's 'cause Noonan's awesome as hell and'll tell it like it is, drunk or not.
In a Molly vs. Noonan battle of awesomeness, who'd win? :)
I mean, realistically, Molly is the only other person (besides me) on the planet who likes DH. Because, let's face it, he's bad news. But he did totally save my ass.
Well, they both exist in entirely different realms of awesomeness, so a "battle of awesomeness" would be won equally by both, I'd say.
(Another loaded-question- catastrophe averted successfully.)
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