Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Come November 4th, 2008, I Will Be $100 Richer

My dad, die-hard Republican and defense contractor extraordinaire, is in town overnight for a briefing tomorrow. He took me to dinner this evening and we got to talking about politics (imagine that). This is a topic that usually does not end well for us (see the die-hard Republican bit above). However, this discussion of politics was oddly civilized. At one point my dad even said, "You may have a point there," which is a phrase I don't think I've ever heard him utter before. The most heated portion of our chat involved a discussion of whether the Democrats will regain control of Congress in the midterm elections (um, hellooooo, we're talking 32% approval ratings here. . .of course the Democrats are going to regain control of Congress) and what will happen in the 2008 election.

Here's where the $100 comes in:

Dad: And you think that momentum will continue right up until we get stuck with Hillary?

Me: (laughing incredulously through a mouth full of beer) Hillary?! I don't even think Hillary can get the nomination.

Dad: Huh?

Me: Well, for starters, she's a woman. And also, the Democrats have this strategy of running only namby-pamby, pandering to the middle wuss-bags, which Hillary actually is, but conservatives hate her so much there's no way the Dems would nominate her.

Dad: She's exactly like her husband. Everything she does is politically motivated. She has no conscience.

Me: I don't exactly think Bush has a conscience.

Dad: He does, you just don't like it. I think Hillary will run, and I think she'll win.

Me: You mean the election? The presidency?!

Dad: Yes.

Me: No way. There is no way we're electing a female president. Not anytime soon.

Dad: In 2008.

Me: Care to put some money on that?

So the bet is for $100. I asked my dad if we were betting on the nomination or the election. He said it didn't matter, he'd be happy to take my money either way.

Dad, honey, Hillary's a girl. You are so gonna owe me $100.


Melissa said...

As much as I hate to admit it, I can't imagine a woman winning the presidency right now either. That's just TOO extreme for our country.

vikkitikkitavi said...

I agree, Megan, the first woman president will not be a Democrat.

The only woman that could get elected right now would be a centrist Republican, not a centrist Dem.